If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you. 
Check out these Civil War Web Sites:

Please send an email to request a listing.  

Thank you and we hope you have enjoyed our site.

www.acwrt.alawebs.net  - The Alabama Civil War Round Table established 1990, Birmingham, AL 

http://bcwrt.nalweb.net  - 
The Baltimore Civil War Roundtable (BCWRT) was organized in October, 1982, and is open to all persons who are interested in the study of the American Civil War.  The purpose of the BCWRT is to provide a forum in which to discuss and evaluate various aspects of this unique period of American History. 

www.firstmarylandbattalion.net - A group representative of those who fought for the state of Maryland during the great internal struggle.  Those we represent where those represented on Culp's Hill at Gettysburg for two days worth of fighting.

www.orphanchild.net - Local re-enactment information.  Educational pages for teachers and pictures of past events.


 http://home.southwind.net/~mjterman/ - Hiram's Honor - Written by an accomplished author and direct descendant, it is a largely unknown but riveting story about a soldier captured at Gettysburg and sent to Belle Island and Andersonville and survived 17 months!  Written in the first person in dramatic fashion, it is a true story reviewed by experts at Gettysburg, Manassas, Andersonville, and the Ohio Civil War Genealogy Journal. 

www.trailsrus.com/civilwar / Civil War in Kentucky
"Both Union and Confederate forces considered Kentucky crucial to success. Lincoln reputed to have said that he hoped to have God on his side, but that he must have Kentucky" Direct Quote from the web site.

www.global-bullion.com/ Informational site containing articles and links for Confederate bullion and other related information.

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